Call a Spade a Spade

a heart a heart

a diamond a diamond 

a club a club

call it invasion not settlement

call it genocide not colonization

call it theft not establishment 

don't call January 26 Australia Day

don’t shy away from telling the truth

don’t say ‘no worries’ say ‘I worry’ 

for the future of our country, our environment

if we fail to listen and to act

don’t say ‘we’re full’

say ‘we’re open’

call yourself an ally 

call yourself a mate

Dive In

This short, powerful poem forces us to call it what it is...

Bibliographical info

Ellen van Neerven, "Call a Spade a Spade" from Throat. Copyright © Ellen van Neerven 2020. Reprinted with permission of the publisher. Source: Throat (University of Queensland Press, 2020)

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